Monday, March 16, 2009

Transkei 2009 Defender Trophy - 16 March

We drove down from Jo'burg yesterday, leaving home at 05:30 and arriving about 20:00 at TheHole in The Wall, Transkei. It was a long drive, but the views on the way were breathtaking. Betsy, my 1996 TDi Hardtop was fantastic, having come out of the garage on Friday. She is a new colour, sandstone beige, and is driving like a dream.

We went on a 2 hour scenic drive today, incorporating some 4x4, a good chance to brush up on my rather lacking skills. I took some photos of the scenery here and some of Betsy :-)

More to come!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Post

Well, here goes nothing, my first ever blog post. I'm not sure what I will use it for, what I will write here, or how often.

But just to make a start, to dip my toe in, is a step in the right direction!!